Saturday, December 17, 2011

Cagayan Valley Resorts

They call it most expensive Beach
Yet they dont have five star resorts,hotels,trailparks,sports recreational equipment
Buguey Shoreline is sitting on a tons of black sand and are heavy with magnetite, a ferrimagnetic mineral with chemical formula Fe304. It is one of several iron oxides and a member of the spinel group. The chemical name is iron (II,III) oxide and the common chemical name is ferrous-ferric oxide.

Magnetite is the most magnetic among all naturally occurring minerals. Because it attracts small pieces of iron, this was how man first discovered magnets.

Black sands are magnetite found in large quantities on the beach, the magnetite carried to the beach by erosion and river flows, forming large quantities on the beach and offshore as the magnetite is concentrated by wave action and currents.

Magnetite is used to make steel, magnets, paint, ink, paper, jewelry, and cosmetics. It is also used as an additive for high strength concrete. Korea, a highly industrialized country, needs plenty of magnetite for its mills and factories. Thus, it is not hard to believe that Korean nationals are mining the beaches of Buguey for the magnetite.
This is why Buguey is a treasure.....

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